is everything.

This ePortfolio will document my journey at Lamar University and beyond as I embark on my journey of Applied Digital Learning. Follow me here to join my journey and contribute to my growth, impact, and learning. I will share ideas, research, and resources.

  • Effective leadership = Self-differentiated leadership

    Effective leadership is one where the leader has clearly defined boundaries with the group they lead so they can make hard decisions without emotional ties to the group. Leading is an emotional process of regulating one’s own anxiety because effective leaders use clear goals, clear measurement of behaviors, and facts to lead decisions and, when…

  • Supporting the willing but not “yet” able


    In the video below, the notion of “moving the middle” really hit home. I appreciate how the 4DX model strategizes the “not yet” players and puts ownership on the leader to provide supports and scaffolds to help them get onboard. Moving the middle will get all but the “nevers” to join the movement and the…

  • 6 Sources of influence

    I really enjoyed the video below with the kids and the cupcakes. I found it interesting how valuable the peer component is to changing behavior. That is the source of influence that I will pay close attention to as I lead change in my organization. The 4+ rule is also a key takeaway that will…

  • Understanding the human side of change

    Creating successful change is truly an applied social science. After watching Jeni Cross speak in this first video (TedxTalks, 2013), this idea of how we present our desired change matters. Three key ideas to focus on when developing the presentation of the plan are make it tangible, personalize the message, and include social interaction and social norms. I…

  • Pulling at the heart


    I have watched this video several times, and every time it causes me to reflect more. The “why” attached to feelings needs to be very clear and intentional to get the desired behavior(s). As I look at the trends in my district recently, we are always talking about the “thinking” side of the brain with…

  • What Influences Change? It’s a Social Science!

    Creating successful change is truly an applied social science.  After watching Jeni Cross speak in the first video (TedxTalks, 2013), this idea of how we present our desired change matters.  Three key ideas to focus on when developing the presentation of the plan are make it tangible, personalize the message, and include social interaction and…

  • When leading change, what matters more? Is it the heart or the head?

    I have watched the referenced videos several times already, and every time they cause me to reflect more. The “why” attached to feelings needs to be very clear and intentional to get the desired behavior(s). As I look at the trends in my district recently, we are always talking about the “thinking” side of the…

  • You can do hard things

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    These last two months have flown by. I look back and realize how much I have been pushed out of my comfort zone and am growing as a person and as a professional. If you would have told me a few months ago that I would have an ePortfolio up and running with blog posts,…

  • Contributions to Learning Community ED 5303 & 5305


    ED 5305: 45 pts ED 5303: 83 pts.   Reflecting on my contributions to the learning community in both 5303 and 5305, has allowed me to see where I can put more effort into my learners mindset journey. Many contributions were met, yet I struggled finding a core group to meet with regularly. I reached…

  • “Not Yet”

    I sit here, after listening to this TED talk, and the wheels are turning. I have been trying to figure out how to shift fixed mindset of adults in my building for years now. Leadership must create the conditions so everyone can work together, letting creativity evolve. I am going to make an effort to…