Implementation Outline

Purpose Statement: As we embark on a blended learning initiative in our network, we need to empower our educators to understand the opportunities they have to implement joyful, personalized, and accelerated learning with 1-to-1 iPad devices through blended learning to their scholars with a focus on engagement and learning approach.  

Phase #1 (Month 1) Learning 🎯: Gain Interest

  • Kickoff with a professional learning experience to explore some of the joyful and creative uses of iPad in an “Amazing iPad Race” around the city.  They will work in teams to follow clues and perform tasks. 
  • Schools that are interested after initial PL launch will gather for professional learning to explore and familiarize them with the four blended learning models.  At the end, they will do a survey to determine interest moving forward and select key teachers to participate.  
  • Capture video and photos of each phase to capture the process and share the story for buy in when expanding blended learning in the network. 

Phase #2 (Month 2) Learning 🎯: Refine Interest & Solidify the “why”

  • Educators will meet, together as a cohort, once a week for this month to select and personalize their plan to fit the learning vision in their classroom and select 1-2 blended learning models to use.
  • Educators will gather baseline data on engagement and learning approach from their classroom to connect the “why” to their plan. 
  • Educators will be asked to share the “why” behind the blended learning model they would like to do and explain how it work in their learning environment. I will provide videos and articles for reference and discussion.
  • Meet weekly with participating principal(s) to ensure they fully understand the model(s) chosen and how to support the teacher(s) as they begin their blended learning journey, providing articles and videos for understanding.  
  • Teachers will create a classroom specific implementation blended learning plan that best meets the needs collected in baseline data on engagement and learning approach.
  • Capture video and photos of each phase, especially reflection, to capture the process and share the story for buy-in when expanding blended learning in the network.

Phase #3: (Months 3-6) Learning 🎯: Set up the learning

  • Teachers set up their course in LMS that makes sense for access and workflow.
  • Learners learn how to navigate LMS & access personalize learning opportunities. 
  • Cohort meets monthly to share, reflect, refine, and collect data on engagement and learning approach. 
  • Meet with teachers & principals to co-plan, implement, and reflect on our work together weekly. 
  • Learners begin having agency over learning with some choice over time, place, path, and pace through daily use of LMS.
  • Capture video and photos of each phase, especially reflection, to capture the process and share the story for buy-in when expanding blended learning in the network.

Phase #4: (Months 7-24) Learning 🎯: Learn through blended learning model(s)

  • Continue meeting with teachers & principals to co-plan, implement, and reflect (monthly or as needed)
  • Provide educator with additional resources for further exploration and reflection (articles, blog posts, videos)
  • Meet monthly in cohort to share ideas and build leadership capacity and connections amongst educators doing this work. 
  • Collect data aligned to initial baseline at months 5, 8, 11, 14, 17,20, 23 (every 3 months)
  • Capture video and photos of each phase, especially reflection, to capture the process and share the story for buy in when expanding blended learning in the network & celebrate the journey. 

Phase #4: (TBT) Learning 🎯: Start cycle over as we expand this disruptive innovation plan to more educators in the network/district.