Category: Uncategorized

  • Contributions of Learning 5320 & 5318 (88/100)

    The ADL program did a fabulous job of prompting self-reflection, and cultivating opportunities to grow as good leaders. A good leader must be able to think differently, plan, be reflective, be willing to fail to learn, and willing to learn from and create trusting relationships with a diverse network.  As I consider my next steps…

  • Reflection/Update of Innovation Project

    As I reflect on the development journey of my innovation project, I realize that many components have come together to strengthen, evolve, and actualize my plan. From the very beginning of reflecting on mindset to taking an idea and creating an intentional, structured, and timely implementation plan to continuously reflecting to improve, the development of…

  • Reflecting on my contributions to learning in 5317 & 5315

    As I reflect on my contributions to learning in 5317 and 5315, I realize that this time of year is very difficult to do accelerated grad work with the demands of my new job. Not only did this busy time of school year supporting principals with academic achievement plans, school based budgeting, master scheduling, staffing,…

  • Importance of Learning Communities

    I have way too many to list, but I would like to share three that I am most engaged in. I am active on twitter with the @AppleEDU community. This is a place where ideas and resources are exchanged regularly. Unfortunately this looks like it is going to shift due to the recent climate on…

  • Contributions to Learning 5302 & 5304

    (86 pts.) This is my second session in the accelerated ADL program, and I am starting to get more comfortable navigating the platform and giving myself grace to do anytime and anywhere learning, at a pace that works for me an day family.  I am really enjoying the personalized and authentic nature of the program,…

  • Effective leadership = Self-differentiated leadership

    Effective leadership is one where the leader has clearly defined boundaries with the group they lead so they can make hard decisions without emotional ties to the group. Leading is an emotional process of regulating one’s own anxiety because effective leaders use clear goals, clear measurement of behaviors, and facts to lead decisions and, when…

  • 6 Sources of influence

    I really enjoyed the video below with the kids and the cupcakes. I found it interesting how valuable the peer component is to changing behavior. That is the source of influence that I will pay close attention to as I lead change in my organization. The 4+ rule is also a key takeaway that will…

  • Understanding the human side of change

    Creating successful change is truly an applied social science. After watching Jeni Cross speak in this first video (TedxTalks, 2013), this idea of how we present our desired change matters. Three key ideas to focus on when developing the presentation of the plan are make it tangible, personalize the message, and include social interaction and social norms. I…